It all started from a little not-so-pretty drawing no bigger than the face of your thumb. The little doodle was of a girl.

When I saw it, I got a very massive idea for a story. [laugh].....Well, I started getting more into doing some sketches for what my main character in a story looks like. Her name is June. I wanted to go for a nerdy girl who was simple with a complex mind. Her appearance needed to be that which could cause others to very easily overlook her or simply give her one look. Here, I've drawn her with a long skirt, with a dress shirt and tie covered by a little sweater. Trying not to make her sweater appear too, too generic, I started to add some design to it giving her some little hand pockets on each side too :P. I may still change her full outfit later, but for now it is as is. I wanted her to appear to always be in her own line of thought and well accustomed to her silence around most people. She needed to appear well dressed as though she worked in a library or is being occupied by something else of a professional nature. Although I initially imagined a much younger girl in the story, the settings and events that will occur in the story call for a little more aged girl. June often seems to be objective to matters around her especially to certain characters she'll encounter at some point in the story.